Management Software for Electric Motor Test Rooms

" ELEKTRO " software operates in  WINDOWS 3.1x, 95/98, and is the outcome of
our technicians' valuable experience in the field.  The result is a program that is well-designed,
reliable and easy to use. When interfaced with the suitable hardware of our production, this
software performs the management of single-phase and three-phase electric motor and
makes it possible to submit these motors to different types of tests to determine all of their

In the standard system the tests are as follows:

Through windows with graphic tools, the software directly manages the interfacing of
the following external hardware devices for performing the tests: All memorized data, in automatic or manual, can be printed in a final test certificate.
By using a plotting software of our production called " CUBE4 ", you can trace the
curves characteristic of the motor undergoing testing and compare them on the same graph.

To enter the ELEKTRO work environment, perform these easy steps:

  1. Enter the WINDOWS operating system
  2. Select the icon of the group of "ELEKTRO" programs
    (Endothermic motor test stand)
  3. Select the icon of the "ELEKTRO" program
  4. Using the "CUBE4" software, you can print out the inspection report
    and personalized graphs.
Explore ELEKTRO 2K   Explore ELEKTRO 2K

Once you have entered the "Elektro" environment,
all the functions of the software will be available:

  1. System configuration
    (full scale, measuring units, labels, number of decimals for every parameter)
  2. Entering of formulas for calculation
  3. Rating parameters setting
  4. Setting of alarm and pre-alarm thresholds on every parameter
  5. Creation of work page (Desktop)
  6. Test runs in manual or automatic
  7. Creation of fully personalized report print-outs ("CUBE4" software)
  8. Creation of fully personalized graphics  ("CUBE4" software)