PC based Systems - Electric Motor

Acquisition Systems for Experiment Motors Test Rooms

These Acquisition Systems are served by "ELEKTRO 2K", a management software for
single-phase and three-phase electric motor tests stands developed in a WINDOWS
environment complete with everything needed to perform tests on stands, including
switching the system onto two stands in order to test a wide range of motors using just
one acquisition system. As a result of this technology, Tecno EL supplies turnkey
motor test rooms designed and produced according to the client's specifications.

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This user-friendly software also allows you to do the following:

The basic system can acquireand calculate the following channels: On request, we can design expanded Elektro systems based on the needs of the client.
Pictured below is an example of a work page produced with Elektro Software;
the page is completely configurable as regards the instruments utilized for viewing
the different parameters (analogue instruments, bar graphs, displays, etc.),
characters and color.

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