PC based Systems - Electric Motor
Acquisition Systems for Experiment
Motors Test Rooms
These Acquisition Systems are served by "ELEKTRO 2K",
a management software for
single-phase and three-phase electric motor tests stands developed
environment complete with everything needed to perform tests on stands,
switching the system onto two stands in order to test a wide range
of motors using just
one acquisition system. As a result of this technology, Tecno EL
supplies turnkey
motor test rooms designed and produced according to the client's specifications.
This user-friendly software also allows you to do the following:
Configure acquisition logic channels
(name, full scale, measurement unit, number of decimals, ...)
Create innumerable personalized work pages
In the standard model, perform many types of tests, such as:
Loadless Test
Load Test
Short Circuit Test
Warm-up Test
Max. Torque
Static Torque
Set alarm and pre-alarm thresholds on all logic channels entered (also
formulas for calculation)
Utilize a Run Test page complete with:
Personalized Desktop for each type of test being run
Graph of the desired parameters in real time
Work Console with main functions appearing as icons to facilitate use
Direct control of operation of the following:
Single or TANDEM brake feeder
Resistance meter (instrument measuring the resistance of the motor being
V.I.W. (instrument measuring the the electrical quantities of the motor
being tested)
Bank of capacitors for tests with single-phase motors
Frequency converter 50/60 Hz
Voltage converter
Print-out of 80-column test certificate with ink jet printer.
Using CUBE4 software allows you to create fully
personalized INSPECTION
Create a file of all tests performed at the stand ordered by type of motor
and test date.
The basic system can acquireand calculate the following channels:
Rpm - Torque - Power
Voltages - Currents- Input - Apparent power
CosØ - Slip
Mains frequency
Motor winding resistances
3 PT100 temperatures [0÷200°C]
6 pressures (or other transducers with signal output 0÷10V,
4÷20mA or similar)
On request, we can design expanded Elektro systems based on the needs of
the client.
Pictured below is an example of a work page produced with Elektro Software;
the page is completely configurable as regards the instruments utilized
for viewing
the different parameters (analogue instruments, bar graphs, displays,
characters and color.