PC based Systems - Endothermic Motor

Acquisition Systems for Experiment Motors Test Rooms

These Acquisition Systems are served by " HERCULES ", a management software for
endothermic motor tests stands developed in a WINDOWS environment complete with
everything needed to carry out tests on stands. As a result of this technology,
Tecno EL can supply turnkey motor test rooms designed and produced according to
the client's specifications.

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This user-friendly software also allows you to do the following:

The basic Standard system can acquire 16 channels, specifically: In addition, it fully controls the operation of external instruments, such as
brake feeders and actuators. On request, we can design Hercules systems
with 32, 64 and more channels based on the needs of the client.
The image below shows an example of a work page produced with Hercules Software:
the page is completely configurableas regards the instruments utilized for displaying
the different parameters (analogue instruments, bar graphs, displays, etc.),
characters and colors.

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